Sunday, August 25, 2013

I've Got To Be Me

I wish that I could have a physical body that is strong, like a man.  There are times that my imagination dreams up ideas for projects; or I see something in the yard that needs doing, but I know that I don't have the physical strength or know-how to do them.  The know-how can be taught, but the physical abilities well, that can't be taught.  You either have it or you don't. 
I want to move some landscaping block, but my arms can't lift them. I tried, but could barely lift even one, let alone try to move the whole lot of them!
I've been wanting to take apart an old pallet and make a porch swing.  I could manage the taking apart part, but the rest, not so much.
The trees in the front yard need a major pruning, which requires a chain saw; which I know that I can barely lift (because I tried), let alone hold it for the time that it would take to complete the task.
I have some shutters that I wanted to hang in the bathroom, easy enough; except I didn't have the strength to screw in the screws!  And if you are thinking, "That is what they make power tools for," I tried, I really tried.
There have been times that I have been very upset at my lack of physical strength, even during a time in the past when I did strength training at the didn't help.
I feel like I am a burden when I have to ask for help.  I feel like I should be able to do these simple tasks.  After all, it seems that a man can do them so effortlessly.
I was sitting out front the other night (looking at the projects that needed done) and it occurred to me that I was created by my Maker.......female, the "weaker vessel." I know, no surprise.
Don't you love it when God uses the "everyday" to talk to you?
It came to me that it is good to accept who I was created to be. 
It is good for me to be patient and to wait for my strong man to help me.  It is good to be needy. It is good to be dependent on others; not in an immature way, but in a way that allows me the opportunity to turn to God (or my honey) in a time of need.  An opportunity to rely on another.  Yes, it is frustrating and humiliating at times, but God made me this way!  He chose for ME to be.......female. 
And so, I will gladly glory in my weakness, for when I am weak.......God is and will be......strong.

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