Sunday, February 16, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge-Day 38

Day 38-Solar Rays
This challenge has been good for me.  Even though it doesn't always go the way that I'd like it to, it has still been good.  I've learned to be patient with myself and I've learned to not be so worried about perfection.  It has caused me to look at the world around me in a new way.  I start my day looking forward to discovering that day's subject to photograph.  I'm learning to pay attention to the smallest details; the lighting, the background, and my relation to the subject. Take this day's photo subject for example:  We haven't seen the sun around here in a while.  It has been a gray winter.  As I've said before, I like the winter time; but for some reason, this winter has got me down.  Maybe it is because we have only had one snowstorm; maybe it is because I have a yard to work in and I'm eagerly waiting for spring, or maybe it is because we've had more gloomy days than usual.  Everything looks drab; no color, just brown and gray.  Day 38 of this challenge was actually last week and on that day, I woke up to sunshine and the flu.  Even though I wasn't feeling well, I got dressed and went outside.  I walked about the yard for a bit, enjoying the feel of the sun's warmth on my face.  As I walked, I was trying to pay attention to the way the sun was shining.  I couldn't very well take a picture of the sun directly; I knew that I needed to find something that the sun was shining through.  As I saw it filtering through the trees,  I found that there is beauty in the shadows. I saw that gray and brown can be beautiful colors too.  I wish that I could say that the clouds stayed away, but they didn't; they soon blew in to cover the sun. But, not to worry............
                                                "No winter lasts forever No spring skips it's turn."

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