Thursday, March 18, 2010

Heading North

We are finally heading to Canada........Mitch and I are taking off on a road-trip to visit our "neighbors" to the north. I have wanted to see Canada for the longest time, especially Banff, which we are stopping at the first night, and then we will see where the wind takes us. We plan to head west to the coast from Banff, and then drive home through the northern Cascades of Washington. This isn't a very pretty time of year to see Canada, but I am sure that we won't be disappointed......I will take loads of photos and post some when we get home.
I love adventures........No itineraries to keep, the freedom to take your time seeing the sites, stopping for the night when you get tired, eating along the way at quaint diners or drive-ins.
That reminds me of a time that we stopped at a drive-in on our way home from Las Vegas (many moons ago, in case you were wondering......) We were driving along and I saw a sign for 'Fresh Strawberry Shakes' and of course, I had to stop. Mitch didn't want to stop at a place that we didn't know, after all his taste in food is much superior to mine......If you could see me right now you would notice the lump in the side of my cheek. He gave in to my sweet weedlin' ways, and then began to tease me about how gross the place would be......greasy and dirty and bug infested. We pulled into the parking lot and yes, it looked a little run down.....what do you expect for the middle of the desert? We parked and walked up to the window to order our food, and a yummy shake, and as I was looking at the order board, Mitch tapped me on the shoulder and gestured for me to look down........You guessed it, a big roach scurried across the counter........and we scurried right on outta there!

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