Sunday, January 12, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge-Day 10 and 11

Day 10-Something  Blue
Day 11-A Childhood Memory

I was hoping to take a photo of the sky, but I haven't seen blue sky, in like, forever!  Anyway, I was visiting my daughter, helping out in the kitchen and I saw her cute kitchen valance made out of vintage hankies; and there it was, something blue.  And it brought back memories of my grandmother, and of my mom too; they used hankies like these. My mother always had a tissue or a hanky on her. In my mind's 'eye,' I can see the tip of a hanky, poking out from my mother's shirt sleeve. I remember asking her once, why she carried them this way. She said that she put them in her sleeve, or tucked into her bra strap, so that she always had one ready to wipe us kids'  noses. She said, "Runny noses are the grosses thing!"  My grandmother would keep a hanky folded up in her purse. She carried one of those purses with the clasp that needed to be pinched apart, the kind that made a definite 'snapping' sound when closed. Her hankies had beautiful embroidery on them. She was the one who taught me how to embroider, so that I could make pretty hankies for myself. I even made some monogrammed ones for my father one year for Christmas. Yes, even he, carried a hanky; folded up and placed in the back pocket of his pants.

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