We began the day with a reading of the account of Jesus' birth, from the Gospel of Luke, and then we opened up our gifts. It is such fun to watch the grand kids as they tear into their gifts. I love to see the smiles and hear the joyful sound of their laughter.
For breakfast we feasted on French Breakfast Puffs, a family tradition, that is served ONLY at Thanksgiving and Christmas.......It would be a sacrilege to serve them at any other time. My mom used to serve these for holidays too, so the taste of them bring back many memories of my childhood.
The rest of the day was spent relaxing and playing with the grand kids' new toys and games.
Steph and her honey, Dave, made a delicious Christmas dinner, with the best Prime Rib I have ever eaten, and served it with all the trimmings.
The only thing that was missing was.......SNOW!! Yes, I really did miss the snow on Christmas Day. I always think of Jesus when I look at snow........it puts me in remembrance of what the Christmas season is all about.........Jesus coming to earth as a Little Baby, Who grew to be a Man, Who gave His life for us..........to wash us in His precious blood, so that we might be made, white as snow.